Angiomas & Telangiectasia

are two types of vascular lesions that appear as small, red or purple spots on the skin. Angiomas are made up of blood vessels that form a benign tumor, while telangiectasia are dilated blood vessels that often develop on the face or legs. These lesions are usually harmless but can be a cosmetic concern for some patients.We can treat angiomas and telangiectasia using various methods, including laser therapy, electrocautery, and sclerotherapy. Laser therapy uses focused light to target and destroy the blood vessels in the lesion, while electrocautery uses heat to seal the vessels shut. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution into the blood vessels to shrink and eventually destroy them. Treatment of these lesions is typically safe and effective, and can improve the appearance of your skin.

Angiomas & Telangiectasia