Actinic keratosis

is a common skin condition caused by exposure to UV radiation. It is characterized by rough, scaly patches of skin that can range in color from pink to brown. While actinic keratosis is not cancerous, it can be a precursor to skin cancer and should be treated by a dermatologist. We can effectively treat actinic keratosis using various methods, such as cryotherapy, topical therapies, and photodynamic therapy. Cryotherapy involves freezing the affected area with liquid nitrogen, while topical therapies involve applying medication directly to the affected area, such as chemotherapy or immunotherapy creams. Photodynamic therapy involves using a photosensitizing agent and a special light to destroy the affected cells. Your dermatologist will recommend the best treatment option based on the severity and location of the actinic keratosis, to ensure the best possible outcome.

Actinic Keratosis