Skin cancers and lesions

are abnormal growths on the skin that can be cancerous or precancerous. These growths can be caused by a variety of factors, including exposure to UV radiation, genetics, and lifestyle factors. We are trained to identify and treat skin cancers and lesions using various methods, such as Mohs surgery, excision, and topical therapies. Mohs surgery is a specialized surgical procedure used to remove cancerous or precancerous growths in which the surgeon removes layers of tissue until only healthy tissue remains. Excision involves surgically removing the growth and a small margin of healthy tissue surrounding it. Topical therapies involve applying medication directly to the affected area, such as chemotherapy or immunotherapy creams. Your dermatologist will recommend the best treatment option based on the type, location, and stage of the cancer or lesion, to ensure the best possible outcome.

Skin Cancers & Lesions NYD